Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Man with Severed Spinal Cord Walks Again

A breakthrough treatment has helped a paralyzed Bulgarian man walk again, as well as regaining bladder, bowel, and sexual function. The procedure used olfactory cells, the cells that give us our sense of smell, to stimulate regrowth of the nerves in his severed spinal cord. It was remarkably successful and gives us new hope for a cure for spinal cord injuries.

Success Story

Darek Fidyka was left paralyzed from the chest down after he was stabbed in 2010. The attack severe his spinal cord. It was a clean cut. Today he has feeling in his lower extremities, has developed muscle mass in his left leg, and can even walk with a frame. He can drive and is able to live independently. His recovery is even better than expected.

The Procedure

The key was the use of special nose cells. The olfactory bulbs are nerve bundles located on the underside of the brain behind the eyes. They contain olfactory ensheathing cells (OEC). These bulbs are one of the few parts of the nervous system that continues to regenerate throughout our lives. Doctors performed brain surgery to remove one of the bulbs and used it to grow more OECs in a petri dish. The cells were then injected into Fidyka’s spinal cord.

Since the injury left an 8mm gap in his spine, they transfer strips of nerve fiber from his ankle to create a bridge where the new spinal fibers could grow. The nose cells stimulated the growth of the spinal nerve fibers.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Denver area accident, please call the Denver accident attorneys of Flesch Law Firm, at 720-689-0322 or contact us online today.


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