Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Fatal Car Accidents in Colorado

Denver Accident Attorneys

If you have lost a loved one in a fatal car accident in Colorado, our Denver accident attorneys are here to help you and your family recover compensation for your loved one’s medical and funeral expenses, as well as your financial harm and non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, caused by the death of your loved one. Please call us to learn more.

Understanding Wrongful Death

A Colorado wrongful death claim is not a criminal action. The purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to hold the wrongdoer financially responsible for the harm they have caused to the victim and the victim’s family. There may or may not be a criminal case, depending on the circumstances, and if there is it is a separate case. A wrongful death lawsuit is primarily intended to compensate family members for the financial harm and other losses and suffering the death has caused.

Although punitive damages are available in some circumstance, the lawsuit is not generally meant as a punishment.

Who Can Receive Compensation?

Colorado law is specific regarding who can sue for wrongful death and when. During the first year after death, the surviving spouse has priority. He or she may sue alone, or give permission for the deceased’s heirs to join the suit or sue alone. If there is no surviving spouse, the heirs or designated beneficiary can sue for wrongful death.

During the second year after death, the spouse, heirs, or designated beneficiary can sue. At that point the surviving spouse does not have to give permission for others to sue. If there is no surviving spouse or children, the parents of the deceased can sue during the second year.

Damages in a Fatal Car Accident

Through a wrongful death claim you may be able to recover economic and noneconomic damages including:

  • The deceased’s medical expenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of financial support provided by the deceased
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Loss of benefits, such as pension
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of companionship
  • Grief
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional stress

Under certain circumstances, punitive damages may also be available.

Time Limits

Our attorneys have represented many Colorado families who have lost loved ones. We understand that this is a very difficult time and you are focusing on properly mourning your loss and dealing with many other issues. Unfortunately, the law is not understanding, and you only have two years to file a wrongful death lawsuit. If you let this deadline pass, you will be forfeiting your right to compensation.

We have answers to your questions. We help people like you all the time. Call the Denver accident attorneys of Flesch & Beck Law, at 720-689-0322 or contact us online today.