Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Colorado Auto Accident Claims

Car Accident Lawsuits

Some Denver law firms take an assembly line approach to handling Colorado auto accident claims, getting cases in and out as quickly as possible and in some cases may settle for less than their clients need and deserve. The Denver car accident attorneys of Flesch & Beck Law, carefully select their clients. That means that if we accept your Colorado auto accident claim, we know that we can invest the resources and attention it takes to recover substantial compensation for you, taking you case all the way to jury trial when necessary. Most important, the insurance companies know it too.

Car Accident Causes

Although negligent drivers are typically to blame for car accidents, a defective vehicle or defective roadway can also cause and accident, and in cases where a negligent driver caused the accident, vehicle and roadway defects can cause injuries to be worse.

The importance of fully investigating and determining all underlying causes of an accident as well as all factors which contributed to the seriousness of your injuries cannot be overstated. It is how we uncover all of the possible avenues of compensation for you and ensure that you receive the maximum value for your auto accident and injury claims

Seat Belt Issues

Many people are under the false assumption that they will be denied compensation for their car accident injuries if they were not wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident. In Colorado, you are required by law to wear your seat belt, but it is also recognized that failure to wear a seat belt cannot cause an accident. The person or entity responsible for the accident can still be held liable for your injuries, even if you were not wearing a seat belt.

However, the question of whether or not you were wearing your seat belt may be raised and if you were not wearing a seat belt your compensation may be reduced. A defective seat belt that unlatches when it should not can make it appear as though you were not buckled in, even though you were.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Colorado, please call the Denver auto accident claims attorneys of Flesch & Beck Law at 720-689-0322 or contact us online today. Please call right away to ensure that you do not waive your right to possible compensation.