Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Drunk Driving Death Results in 10 Year Sentence

A woman was sentenced to prison Friday, as a result of a drunk driving accident which killed a Denver driver.

Rebecca Maez was charged with vehicular homicide and vehicular assault as a result of an August 2013 accident in which she drove the wrong direction in an HOV lane, causing an accident which killed a mother of four. At the time of the accident, Maez had a blood alcohol content of 0.251, more than three times the legal limit.

Maez faced up to 36 years in prison, but was sentenced to 10 years instead. Prosecutors indicate there may have been mitigating factors in the sentencing, including the fact that Maez appeared to be remorseful and took responsibility for her actions.

The family of the victim, Jenny Kush, is hoping that the death of their loved one will not go in vain, and will serve as a reminder to others to always avoid drinking and driving due to the devastating results which can occur. Instead of taking the risk and getting behind the wheel, the family would like to remind Denver residents that they can always ask for a ride if they are too drunk to drive.

If you have been seriously injured in a drunk driving accident, call us immediately at 720-689-0322. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve. Also, you can visit our website for a free case evaluation.