Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Bicycle Accident Claims

Denver Bike Accident Claims Attorneys

In a collision with a motor vehicle, a bicyclist is likely to be severely injured or killed even if wearing a helmet. Bicycle accidents can be serious even if there is no collision with another vehicle. If you were seriously injured or if a loved one has been killed in a bicycle accident due to someone else’s negligence or a due to a defect in your bicycle or the other vehicle, you may be able to recover significant monetary compensation for your injuries. The Denver accident attorneys of Flesch & Beck Law can help.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Some of the common causes of bicycle accidents include:

  • Drivers who violate bicyclists’ right of way
  • Drivers who do not know the law and the rules of the road regarding bicycles
  • Drivers who choose not to share the road
  • Intoxication
  • Distracted drivers
  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Unsafe passing
  • Defective roadway
  • Defective motor vehicle
  • Defective bicycle or bicycle parts

Some common scenarios for bicycle vs. motor vehicle accidents include:

  • Drivers who open their car door into the path of a bicyclist
  • Drivers making a right hand turn into a bicyclist or into the path of a bicyclist
  • Drivers pulling out of a parking lot, driveway, or side street, hitting a bicyclist or pulling into the path of a bicyclist

Hit and Run Bicycle Accidents

If you were injured in a hit and run accident there are several potential avenues of compensation, depending on the circumstances in your case. First, we may be able to collect compensation from your insurance company. In some cases your auto insurance policy may cover you in a bicycle accident, if you have uninsured motorist coverage. There may be other insurance coverage available to you.

If a defect in your bicycle or a roadway defect caused your accident, we will seek compensation from the appropriate party. We will thoroughly investigate your bicycle accident to determine the underlying cause of your accident so that we can pursue all avenues of compensation.

Driver Caused Your Accident but Did Not Hit You

It is not uncommon for a bicyclist to crash in the process of making evasive maneuvers to try and avoid a collision with a car. A driver who causes a bicyclist to crash can be held responsible even if he does not actually hit the bicyclist.

Our lawyers are experienced accident and injury attorneys with a reputation for getting results for our clients. If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a bicycle accident in Colorado, the Denver bicycle accident claims attorneys of Flesch & Beck Law can help. Please call us at 720-689-0322 or contact us online today to learn more about potential compensation. Your initial consultation is free, but you have limited time to take legal action, so please call right away.