Truck accidents are bad enough or victims in enclosed vehicles. When trucks and motorcycle collides, the results are often fatal or catastrophic injuries. Motorcycles are more difficult for truckers to see, making them even more vulnerable to blind spot accidents. Truck accident lawsuits are already very complex and when they involve motorcycles they can be even more challenging.
Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle accident victims are more likely to sustain multiple injuries, because they are more likely to actually be injured multiple times as they are thrown from the bike into other objects and often into traffic. Common motorcycle accident injuries include:
- Spinal cord injury
- Brain injury
- Severe road rash
- Amputations
- Back injuries
- Knee injuries
- Broken bones and fractures
- Crush injuries
- Severe burns
- Facial injuries
- Vision loss
If your Colorado motorcycle accident was caused by a truck and you suffered serious injuries please call the Denver accident attorneys of Flesch Law Firm, at 720-689-0322 or contact us online today. We represent people injured in motorcycle accidents involving trucks in Denver and throughout Colorado. We can help you and your family get the injury compensation that you need and deserve.