Flesch & Beck Law – 999 18th Street, Suite 3000, Denver, Colorado, 80202

About Us

The Denver Accident Law Firm of Flesch & Beck Law

The Denver accident law firm of Flesch & Beck Law, represents people who have been seriously injured and the loved ones of those who have been killed in accidents in Colorado. We maintain a small caseload, carefully selecting our clients, so that we can put our full time, attention, and investment into each case. We treat our clients as individuals, addressing your legal issues, as well as the financial, medical, and emotional hardships that you and your family face during this difficult time.

Preparing Your Case

Our Denver accident lawyers spend a significant amount of time and effort on each case. We go into accident cases knowing we will invest tens of thousands of dollars worth of time in preparation. We have experienced medical personnel on staff so that we can develop a full understanding of the long-term impact of your injuries on you and your loved ones.

Although many of the cases we handle are settled fairly out of court, we will not sell our clients short to wrap up a case quickly. With that in mind we always prepare to go to trial and have developed effective strategies for presenting your case to a jury using the latest technology, focus groups, and trial psychology.

Our Firm

Founding attorney Kevin Flesch has practiced law in Colorado since 1996. He is a member of the Arapahoe County, Colorado and American bar associations, as well as the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association. He is licensed to practice in all state and federal courts, including the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Associate attorney Lori Beck is licensed to practice in Colorado and Wyoming, and she brings substantial courtroom experience, having practiced law since 2000. She is a member of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association and the Adams/Broomfield Bar Association.

Associate attorney Kameron Gateley is licensed to practice law in Colorado, including the U.S. District Court of Colorado, and focuses primarily on criminal defense for our clients.

For more information about the Flesch & Beck Law visit us online or contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.